Monday, November 15, 2010

Goals Achieved.

One of my goal for getting a follower have been achieved in just ten days. Not a bad start, but like I said, I will continue updating my goals as soon as one has been achieved. My other goal is that I want at least one person to be helped by reading this blog, but that is quite impossible because this blog is worthless and people don't care what I have opinions on. Now lets see, my new goal is to have five followers, now this is what I can call impossible. I think the current follower just pities me and is just laughing behind the screen, but I will see what happens in the future. This blog will end in 2012 like stated before because I just like ending stuff in 2012.

I think I have been advertising just a little bit from a associate of mine. If you guys are reading this blog for the first time, then welcome. Just read through some of my stuff to figure out how crazy I am. I am quite a delusional crazy guy probably.  

The opting out option is still available, if one person finds out my real identity, then I will stop blogging. I would have to assume that you can contact me to tell me about this blog and knowing who I am. I will just delete the whole thing and I guess everyone would be much happier. I would kind of like that too but I just want to keep testing with the blogging.

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